hz layout

The structure of the generated code

The structure of the code generated by hz is similar. The following is an example of the structure of the code generated by the section hz usage(thrift) to illustrate the meaning of the code generated by hz.

├── biz                                // business layer, which stores business logic related processes
│   ├── handler                        // store handler file
│   │   ├── hello                      // hello/example corresponds to the namespace defined in thrift IDL; for protobuf IDL, it corresponds to the last level of go_package
│   │   │   └── example
│   │   │       ├── hello_service.go   // the handler file, the user will implement the method defined by the IDL service in this file, it will search for the existing handler in the current file when "update" command, and append a new handler to the end
│   │   │       └── new_service.go     // same as above, each service defined in IDL corresponds to a file
│   │   └── ping.go                    // ping handler carried by default, used to generate code for quick debugging, no other special meaning
│   ├── model                          // IDL content-related generation code
│   │   └── hello                      // hello/example corresponds to the namespace defined in thrift IDL; for protobuf IDL, it corresponds to the last level of go_package
│   │     └── example
│   │         └── hello.go             // the product of thriftgo, It contains go code generated from the contents of hello.thrift definition. And it will be regenerated when use "update" command.
│   └── router                         // generated code related to the definition of routes in IDL
│       ├── hello                      // hello/example corresponds to the namespace defined in thrift IDL; for protobuf IDL, it corresponds to the last level of go_package
│       │   └── example
│       │       ├── hello.go           // the route registration code generated for the routes defined in hello.thrift by hz; this file will be regenerated each time the relevant IDL is updated
│       │       └── middleware.go      // default middleware function, hz adds a middleware for each generated route group by default; when updating, it will look for the existing middleware in the current file and append new middleware at the end
│       └── register.go                // call and register the routing definition in each IDL file; when a new IDL is added, the call of its routing registration will be automatically inserted during the update; do not edit
├── go.mod                             // go.mod file, if not specified on the command line, defaults to a relative path to GOPATH as the module name
├── idl                                // user defined IDL, location can be arbitrary
│   └── hello.thrift
├── main.go                            // program entry
├── router.go                          // user defined routing methods other than IDL
└── router_gen.go                      // the route registration code generated by hz, for calling user-defined routes and routes generated by hz

Last modified August 6, 2023 : docs: hz directory modification (#754) (20d9ea6)